Star of the Week / Achievement Awards
Stars of the Week
Well done to all our Good Learners for week ending 4th October they are:
- Alex - for using his Sapphire Power to focus on learning his sounds at home and for being so enthusiastic about school!
- Keira - for using her Topaz Power to work with others, listening and sharing and for being a good role model
- Elsie – for using her Ruby and Diamond Power to write sentences cursively with commas and helping younger children read their spellings.
- Leo W - for using his Diamond Power to write cursively when ordering the days of the week.
- William H - for using his Topaz Power to contribute some brilliant language to our Iron Man writing.
- Oscar - for using his Diamond Power to present neat and well set out writing with lovely handwriting.
Achievement Awards!
Congratulations to the following children for receiving their achievement cups in the Celebration Assembly held in July 2024.
Effort – Chloe Mc
Kindness – Eve
Reading – Maddie
Spelling – Sophie
Sports – Olivia
Maths – Evie K
Arts – Noah
STEM - Travis