Our Curriculum - STEAM
Within Beckington and Mells Church Schools Federation, we understand the importance of a well-rounded, fulfilling curriculum to prepare our pupils for the next stage of education, and for their future as life-long learners. We want children to leave our federation feeling excited about education.
With this is mind we are building our knowledge based curriculum where we provide children with opportunities to become more resilient, learn to adapt and reflect on their learning, think critically and solve problems in order to succeed.
Through our STEAM based curriculum (science, technology, engineering, arts and maths) we introduce children to new knowledge and immerse them in exciting topics which are cross-curricular, relevant and make strong links to the local area. The topics give the context for our reading and writing and English is viewed as the ultimate cross-curricular subject! Opportunities are taken whenever possible to use art and maths in a real-life context. For example, children learning about the topic 'Amazing Arizona' will study the Arizonian landscape artist Elise Palmigiani and create their own masterpiece using her artistic style and in maths, convert US dollars to sterling and vice versa.
Ultimately, we aim to spark children's imaginations and give them a real desire to find out more, encouraging children to look at the world around them and question why things are as they are.
We also believe that children learn best when they are outdoors, so whenever possible, we will use the outdoor classroom as a stimulus for learning so children really engage with their environment and develop a real sense of 'awe and wonder.'
Through a combination of challenge, fun, outdoor learning and exploration in all topics, we aim to ensure children leave Beckington and Mells with a high self-esteem and the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to succeed in the next part of their school journey.
How does being a Church School impact on our curriculum?
Our values are the glue that cements the different strands of our curriculum together. We study six values across the year and these form the basis of our collective worships. They are the same six values that will be running through the topics that the children are studying, and also the RE topics. In this way, children are able to link our values to topics they are studying in all sorts of different ways. Our hope is that this enables them to see the implications of living a life with values such as compassion and forgiveness, and the outcomes when people turn their backs on values such as justice and friendship.
STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths
In Key Stage 1 (Y1/2) termly topics are taught over a three year rolling programme. In Key Stage 2 (Y3/4) topics are taught over a two year rolling programme. This is to ensure curriculum coverage across both schools due to mixed age classes and also progression of knowledge and skills. Topics are chosen carefully to incorporate the children's interests and links are made to the local area, enabling children to explore the historical and geographical context of their village school and wider area. The termly planning overviews are regularly updated and added to, depending on current events and the interests of the children.
Please see the class pages for our termly planning balloons and knowledge organisers. These are sent home so parents can support their child's learning at home. Reading is a priority across our curriculum and the knowledge organisers contain key vocabulary specific to the topic, as well as examples of enriching texts to enhance the learning. The texts are chosen carefully to be culturally diverse, challenge gender stereotypes and to deepen children's knowledge and understanding.
Our Learning Power Gems
We encourage children to reflect on themselves as learners and to recognise which super gem power they and others around them are displaying. The super heroes are displayed in each classroom and referred to.