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Beckington and Mells

Church Schools Federation

“The best we can be”



We love to show prospective parents around our schools, so please contact the school offices to book a place

Mells - 01373 812380   Beckington - 01373 830438


For in-year transfers, please contact us directly to see if there is a space and we will help you through the procedure.

Open Days


We have held all our open days for September 2025 admissions, however we welcome parents to come and have a look around. Please call the school numbers above to arrange a tour. Thank you



We welcome feedback on our open day and invite parents who have attended to complete our online feedback form. All responses are anonymous. Thank you



Admissions arrangements 2024/25

Somerset Local Authority (LA) have now determined their admission arrangements for the 2024/25 academic year and can be viewed on their website


For children starting school in September, Somerset County Council deal with all reception places and you will need to submit an application form to Somerset County Council by January of that year. Please see the Somerset website for all information.


Where an application has been refused in any year group, the child will be placed on a waiting list. This will be kept strictly in order of the oversubscription criteria set by the Local Authority, as the Admission Authority and the child will remain on the waiting list until the end of the academic year in which the application was refused. Parents are responsible for informing the Admission Authority of any changes in their circumstances, which could affect their place on the waiting list.




Consultation on Admission Arrangements for 2026/27.


In accordance with the requirements of the 2021 School Admissions Code, the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust (The Admission Authority) is consulting on proposals to alter the Admission Arrangements for Mells Church First School and Beckington Church First School for 2026/27. 


It is intended that the revised Admission Arrangements will be introduced with effect from 1st September 2026.


You may view the proposed School Admission Arrangements along with the launch notice (which details the changes proposed, and how you can comment) here -


The consultation will open on 2nd December 2024 and will close on 20th January 2025.


Please click on the star for a breakdown of our class structures
Please find our schools virtual tours. We hope you enjoy them and if you have any questions please email either school. Thank you.

Mells School - A bird's eye view

View our school from above - join us for a drone's eye view of our beautiful site.

Mells First School Virtual Tour

Beckington First School's Virtual Open Day

A virtual open day to give details about Beckington First School.
