Robin Class
Welcome to Robin Class!
Our teachers are Mrs Gillon (Mon & Tues) and Mrs Jones (Wed-Fri). We have lots of other grown-ups in our class helping us too including, Mrs Vranch, Mrs Singer, Miss Carpenter and Mrs K.
Robin class is made up of year reception and year ones. We enjoy a play-based curriculum, we have lots of discovery time which offers us a chance to explore our interests and learn and develop key skills for all areas of our learning.
Mrs Gillon and Mrs Jones use our class page as a blog of our learning, this will include regular updates of the activities we're doing to help us learn and explore, so please keep an eye out!
In year reception the children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum. The EYFS outlines seven areas of learning and development. There are three prime areas of learning, which are particularly important for your child's development and future learning. Then there are four specific areas of learning, through which the prime areas are built upon. There are seventeen Early Learning Goals (ELGs) children are working to achieve by the end of their time in year reception.
In year one the children follow the national curriculum. The national curriculum outlines goals for specific subjects which the children are working towards. The year one children in Robin Class have lots of opportunities to join up with their other year one peers in Blackbird class to learn, for example with maths, phonics, swimming and some other curricular activities.
All the pupils in our class have regular opportunities to learn through play, exploring resources to develop their understanding and knowledge of key concepts.
Spring 1- Key Documents
Christmas around the world..
We finished our learning about traditions and cultures today by learning about how others celebrate Christmas around the world. We considered other countries Christmas traditions.
We learnt about how French children put shoes known as 'clogs' out to receive presents in. Children in Ethiopia play a game known as 'Genna' which similar to Hockey. Italian children enjoy a treat called Panettone, and children in Mexico have lots of fun with a Pinata. We tried out some of these traditions, see the photos below!
Robin Class Nativity:
WOW!! What an amazing bunch of actors/actresses we have in Robin class. They did an amazing job of performing their nativity for all our friends at school and all our families. See the photos below of the fab outfits, singing and acting they all did!
In our history learning about people and communities and the customs and traditions they have, we began to explore Diwali. We learnt that it is the Hindu festival of light. We explored some of the activities Hindu's enjoy doing at Diwali including making rangoli patterns, mehndi patterns on hands and making diya lamps.
Christmas fun!
We've begun to enjoy some Christmas activities in our discovery time and in our learning time. We made snow this week in science, experimenting with materials and how we can change them.
Forest School:
In our Forest School this term, we're learning about building fires. Today we learnt about how we can be safe near the campfire and learnt some of the new rules for these sessions. We enjoyed toasting marshmallows to make smores at the end as a treat too!
We explored remembrance day in class, we had some continuous provision activities to help us explore the symbol of the Poppy and why it is significant to this festival.
History/UofW- Family customs & traditions:
Today we began our new History/Understanding of the World Unit- Family Customs and Traditions.
The first celebration we're learning about is Bonfire night. We were talking about how we each celebrate Bonfire Night. Mrs Jones showed us some sparklers. We pretended to be colour fireworks in the night sky with dancing ribbons and made some of our own firework paintings.
Next week we're learning about why Bonfire Night is celebrated.
PE- Gymnastics and climbing!
We started our block of gymnastics in PE today. We began with 3 stations, a balancing obstacle course, a balancing bench challenge and our climbing frame! We all had a lot of fun, took lots of safe risks and used our emerald powers to give things a go and bounce back!
Minibeast hunting:
Our topic this term is Creepy Crawlies, we started the week by having a minibeast hunt. We had a go at using our sounds to make a list of the minibeasts we can find in the garden.
Art Week:
Rosie's Walk:
We've been continuing our story telling of Rosie's walk. We've learnt some actions to make it an active retell, we can't wait for you all to see this on Thursday in our story telling assembly. We've been making puppets and acting out the story. We were very lucky that Mrs Howlett (a blackbird grandparent) came to see us and taught us a song called Rosie's walk too! We've innovated our own version called 'Sally's Shell' which we'll retell in our assembly on Thursday too!
DT/Expressive Arts & Design- Junk modelling:
This term our DT/EAD has focused on junk modelling. We've experimented with different types of scissors, different sticking resources. We've planned our junk modelling and made the models to match and considered how different resources can be used. We've also been evaluating the models we've made, noticing what is good about them and how we could make them EVEN better next time!
Geography- 3D maps:
We've been exploring different types of maps in our Geography/ Understanding the world learning. We used practical resources from our classroom to make 3D maps.
Forest School:
We've been enjoying exploring our nature school area on our field. We've enjoyed a range of activities including foraging for autumn items and sorting natural objects to.
Maths- Measure:
In maths over the past few weeks we've been focusing on measures- length, weight and capacity. We've used natural resources and classroom resources to practice measuring different things.
Pebble Families:
In our PSHE learning we've been talking about people who are special to us. We spoke about who is special and why. We followed up by making pebble pictures of the people in our families.
Another busy week of learning...
We've had another busy week in Robin HQ, we've really enjoyed continuing to explore our classroom resources and have gotten to know the routines too!
Rosie's walk adventure...
Our focus text this term is Rosie's walk. We enjoyed our first 'hook' lesson. Rosie had left us some instructions to find something rather special... we went on our own walk adventure following her instructions and found our class story! We all enjoyed talking about the cover and noticed lots of patterns!
Fantastic First Day!
We have loved welcoming back our current Year 1 children and our new reception children on their very first day of school. Discovery time has been spent exploring the indoor and outdoor environment, playing in the construction corner, potion making, mark making and learning classroom routines.