Lunch Information
September - December 2024
April - July Hot Meals
We are very excited to announce that our hot meals contract went out for tender and Clever Chefs, fronted by Nick Collins has been awarded the contract.
They focus on making school dinners fun and healthy and I hope you will encourage your children to try the new menu choices in September.
All pupils in reception, year 1 and year 2 in state-funded schools in England will be eligible for free meals. Children in year 3 & 4 also have the option of a hot meal and these are charged at £2.60 per day and can be paid on Parentmail.
If children do not want a hot meal they can bring a packed lunch which will be eaten in the hall with hot lunches.
As a 'Healthy School' we inform and encourage parents to provide healthy food and leaflets are available to provide ideas as well as information in our food policy.

All KS1 children (reception, year 1 and 2) receive free fruit at morning break time under the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme.
Children in year 3 and 4 are welcome to bring their own morning snack in and as a Healthy School, it is school policy to ask parents not to provide sweets, biscuits and crisps.