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Beckington and Mells

Church Schools Federation

“The best we can be”

Snowdrop Class

Welcome to Snowdrop Class


Snowdrop Class is made up of EYFS children. Mr Shipway (Mon - Wednes) and Mrs Gillon (Thurs - Fri AM) are the class teachers. Mrs Elliot our HLTA teaches Snowdrop Class on a Friday afternoon.



EYFS Children will follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework curriculum. The EYFS framework outlines seven areas of learning and development and educational programmes. There are three prime areas of learning, which are particularly important for your child’s development and future learning. There are four specific areas of learning, through which the prime areas are strengthened and applied. There are 17 ELGs your child is expected to achieve by the end of the EYFS.

What can we see?

This term we have been creating pieces of art in different ways, using a range of different media, ranging from pastels, to paints, water colours to felt tip pens! Over the last few weeks we have been focussing on observational drawings of shells. 

We have been fantastic MATHEMATICIANS this term, looking at how numbers are created. We have focused on the composition of numbers (the different ways we can make each number).

The Three Little Pigs

We have really been enjoying our recent learning on The Three Little Pigs. The children have been learning the story through the T4W process where we act out the story using simple actions and words. The children have also had the opportunity during their own learning to retell the story using mask and figures. We have also been sequencing the story and writing our favourite part. Over the next few weeks we will then start to create our own story based around 'The Three Little Pigs'.

Animals, Animals and Animals

We have started our new topic 'Sensational Safari & Animals'. This morning the children showed FANTASTIC TOPAZ POWER when working together to create our new role play area - they cannot wait to be imaginative in it over the next few weeks and months.

Snow and Ice Fun...

Well what a fun start we had to the Spring Term, the snow fell and we enjoyed our time inside and outside with the snow. We painted with the ice and made snowflakes.

We have had a busy last week of term, we have enjoyed decorating and making Christmas trees. The class also painted and put patterns on baubles.

Christmas has arrived in Snowdrop Class...

The children were very busy little elves this week, helping transform our classroom to make it very Christmassy. The children decided last week and came up with some fantastic ideas as to how we can create a Christmas corner, so at the beginning of this week the children showed amazing TOPAZ POWER when we all worked together to create our Christmas house. The children have already enjoyed time in there 'writing' cards, being imaginative with the presents and gifts and spent time exploring the books.

Rhyme Time...

We have been very busy in Snowdrop Class this term learning all about rhymes. We read the book 'Mad About Minibeasts', went on a minibeast hunt and wrote sentences about the way they move. After this we learnt more about rhymes and how we can recognise words that rhyme...they sound the same at the end! Snowdrop Class have written rhyming sentences about minibeasts, matched rhyming words and pictures.


Snowdrop Class have been learning all about 'Special Times' in RE. We have talked about Birthdays and what happens and recently we learnt about Diwali. We found out that Diwali is an important festival and is celebrated by Hindus and Sikhs all over the world. The children made 'diya' and decorated them. We found out the festival is often called the 'festival of lights' as there are many many lights and bright fireworks happen on the last day. 

Remembrance Day

Today we learnt about  another interesting day in History. Snowdrop Class became aware of the of the importance of poppies and why we wear them.


We also observed two minutes silence at 11 o'clock at the of break time to remember all the soldiers and animals that have died during the wars around the world.


During our morning activities the children made our own stained glass window poppies, art work of poppies and made poppies out of pegs and peg boards to show our respects.



Snowdrop Class have learnt about a very special part of history. They became aware of why we have bonfire night and when it is. After learning about why and when we have Bonfire Night we then made our own sparkly firework artwork.



We give thanks again to Alwyn's Mum who has helped us redesign the growing beds in Snowdrop Garden - there is even more to come I think it looks amazing

Rosie's Walk

We have been busy learning the story of Rosie's Walk, we have acted the story out, produced our own story map and next week we will creating our own story based around what Rosie did on her walk. I hope you like our own story maps so far - can you work out the story?

Learning about Autumn

We have been busy learning all about Autumn and Harvest. Snowdrop Class have learnt that we can harvest food in different ways and food can be found above and below the ground. Using apples that had been donated to our class we made apple crumble and used the left over apples to create some fantastic art work which we will show at our Harvest Festival. We have also talked about the colours we might see on the trees as well as the objects and animals we represent with Autumn. We produced some fantastic artwork based around this.